November is all about Thanks Giving this year. We're not talking about Turkey and Pumpkin Pie, what we're talking about is more like a Thanks Giving Spectacular! Each week we're going to reveal a task for you that gives thanks to other Cardsmiths around you. Check out the BLOG each week for a new task. The Spectacular part is that each Cardsmith who completes all four tasks will get to pick one card to be Featured at some point in the future!
Featured Cardsmiths
CassZero hasn't been with us long, but has really jumped in full steam ahead, despite English being their second language! Check out CassZero's cards, including their Pauper collection of 250 cards! We think CassZero is poised to become one of the Top Cardsmiths around, but don't just take our word for it... check out these cards and see for yourself!
Daedalus_The_All_Father has been with us here on MTGCardsmith for almost three years and has been a stalwart in the Colonisers Saga and always favorites the cards of his fellow Cardsmiths, something we admire! Check out Daedalus' cards this month, starting with the five below, and be sure to favorite the ones you like!
Each month we're excited to highlight just a couple of Cardsmiths that have helped make MTGCardsmith the best interactive online Card Creator. We hope you'll take some time to check out their creations!